![]() |
The Sower |
Tent of Meeting |
Jonah Palimpsest |
Holy Ground |
Golden Calf |
Ash Wednesday |
By Tom Wachunas
“The first demand any work of art makes
upon us is to surrender. Look. Listen. Receive. Get yourself out of the way.”
- C. S. Lewis
– noun / ta-ˈblō /plural tableaux / 1: a graphic
description or representation : picture /2: a striking or artistic grouping :
arrangement, scene
theophany – noun / thē-ˈä-fə-nē
/ plural theophanies: a visible manifestation of a deity
TABLEAUX – Art by Tom Wachunas, Feb.2 – Feb. 28, 2025, at Brewtifully, 2698
Easton St NE Canton, Ohio 44721, in Oakwood Square / M- F 5pm - 9pm/ Sat 12 - 9pm /Sun 12 - 5pm/
Phone: 330-312-5229 / Opening reception Saturday Feb. 8, 5:00pm to 8:00pm.
I am elated to announce that I am the February
featured artist at Brewtifully Gallery in Oakwood Square. And THANK YOU Tracy
Dawn Brewer! We will be installing my work on Feb. 1, and the opening reception
for the exhibit will be from 5:00pm to 8:00pm on Saturday,
February 8. The exhibit will be up until the end of February. Also,
Brewtifully will be hosting a Creative Roundtable presentation and discussion on
Tuesday, Feb.11, 7:00pm to 8:30pm, about the evolution of my aesthetic,
including a power point image show of works spanning nearly 20 years. I value
your presence, always eager to hear your thoughts. Let’s have a lively
Much of my artwork of the past 25 years has
been in the form of mixed- media paintings, relief collages, or 3D assemblages
which I call ‘spiritual tableaux.’ They illustrate – sometimes literally,
sometimes metaphorically - a continuing personal embrace of Biblical content.
These works are narratives, ‘written’ in a
language of the heart, straddling or crossing boundaries both daunting and
joyous, between struggle and surrender, between the accessible and the
unknowable, between the mundane and the mystical. Consider them meditations, or
perhaps even theophanies, offered by a disciple of Jesus Christ, symbolizing
aspiration, inspiration, faith, and discovery.
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